見附市出身。新潟を中心にプロ演奏家として活動。2011年受洗。ミュージカル「Mama,I want to sing」の総合音楽ディレクターButch Heyward師にも師事し、ゴスペルオルガン、
ピアノを学ぶ。2009年10月にKiss、エミネム等も参加しているVoodoo Festival in New Orleans に出演
Yoshitaka is a music minister of Lighthouse Baptist Church and also one of founders of this Church. He was born in Mitsuke-city He started to play piano in the time of high school. He was baptized in 2011.God gave him the heart to dedicate his gift to gospel music and he became an eager church pianist.
One of his music teacher is Mr.Butch Heyward from the musical "Mama, I want to sing" When Yoshitaka stayed his house in New York, Mr. Heyward took him to many church and let him play. Wherever he played, everyone was astonished because an Asian boy can make the perfectly church sound with the organ.
His hobby is fishing and he is cray about it but God makes him one of His fisher of man through his music. Now, he is a director of four choir and plays at the Sunday service and all of church events.